26 May Annual harvest of the stems of Amorpha fruticosa at the St-Médard d’Eyrans site (S1)
Posted at 11:45h
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Long-term field trials are implemented at the St Médard d’Eyrans site (S1) to assess the phytomanagement of Cu/PAH-contaminated soils with short rotation coppices. Mixed tree stands are constituted with black poplar, willows and Amorpha fruticosa (this Fabaceae shrub having the potential to input N into the soil through rhizobium symbiosis). In February-March 2021, the INRAE researchers went to this site to manage these field trials with mixed tree stands. The purpose was to realize the annual cut and harvest of the shoots of A. fruticosa shrubs. After air-drying on site, the stem samples were weighed at the laboratory. Data are used to determine the influence of compost and dolomitic limestone on the biomass production.