08 Apr Progress of GT.T2
GT.T2 is the work package aimed at the communication of the project, and involves all the partners to ensure the successful dissemination of the project. The objective is to contribute to the formation and promotion of scientific and social culture among the citizens and the agents interested in phytomanagement, and the generation of knowledge applicable to the decontamination and recovery of degraded spaces.
The Phy2SUDOE communication programme is strongly based on the previous PhytoSUDOE project, as a large part of the material generated in that project has been used.
One of the first tasks implemented was the elaboration of a Communication Plan, which will be updated periodically. This Plan includes all the communication tasks to be carried out until 2023. An updated version is expected to be produced in February 2022 and a third final version in January 2023.
The project logo was created in December 2020, following INTERREG SUDOE guidelines, and started to be used in all internal project management, communication and dissemination materials. In addition to the logo, templates in DOCX and PPTX format were created for the generation of project documentation.
The project website went live in January 2021. This initial version contained all the elements required by INTERREG SUDOE. From that date onwards, news and updated contents for the website started to be generated, a task that will be maintained throughout the life of the project. On the other hand, the project’s social networks on Twitter and Facebook are a continuation of the PhytoSUDOE networks, so we keep an important base of users and people interested in phyto-management, who had already joined PhytoSUDOE.
In January 2021, a rollup was designed in 3 versions (ES, PT and FR) for each partner to print and install in their headquarters, and also to use it whenever they consider it necessary for the dissemination of the project.
During February and March 2021, the information panels for the sites were produced. Each partner responsible for each site must print and install the panels in the field. This installation task is expected to be completed in April 2021.
The partners continue publishing papers in scientific journals about the progress made at sites of the previous PhytoSUDOE project. Results from the new sites are not yet available.