06 Oct Sampling of seeds, soils and invertebrates at the Sentein site
Thanks to the research team of Dr. Florian Delerue (Assistant-professor at INP-Bordeaux /ENSEGID, France) including his PhD students Hugo Randé and David Nemer, coordinator of the ANR SixP Project, Dr. Michel Mench (INRAE) and Dr. F. Delerue were sampling seeds, shoots, soils and invertebrates at the Sentein site, a former Pb/Zn mining area. Samples, notably seeds of metal hyperaccumulators and excluders, were collected at various sub-sites, with special attention to the stress gradients already characterized by the SixP project. Samples are now send to partners notably for determining soil microbial communities, storing seeds, and work on invertebrates.
The SixP project intends to study plant-plant interactions in mine tailings, both as a key system to understand variation in these interactions along stress gradients and as a likely restoration tool.

Armeria muelleri (Plumbaginaceae) at Le Bocard, Seintein site

Minuartia verna (L.) Hiern) (Caryophyllaceae) at Le Bocard, Sentein

Tailings at Le Bocard, Sentein site

Soil sampling at La Plagne, Sentein site

Seed sampling with Dr F. Delerue at the Chichoué site, Sentein (under the challenging weather conditions…)

Soil sampling at the Chichoué site, Sentein