12 Apr Sampling and tools for assessing the remediation of soils phytomanaged by poplars at the S1site
Long-term field plots have been implemented at the St Médard d’Eyrans site (S1) to assess the phytomanagement of Cu/PAH-contaminated soils with either a short-rotation coppice or a plantation of poplars (Populus nigra L.). In the end of March 2022 (year 14), the INRAE researchers went to this site to collect soil samples in 12 plots with and without poplars. The purpose was to monitor changes in the soil microbial community (work carried out by the Neiker partner) and in the invertebrate community (work carried out by the University of the Basque county, partner) in line with the presence of poplars in the initial plant community. These tools developed by Neiker and the University of the Basque county are used to characterize the progress in the remediation of the physicochemical and biological properties of the contaminated soils, and in the conservation / remediation of the biodiversity.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]